Minor Updates
There have been no updates for quite some time. Besides work there’s not much time to write articles. However I updated the blog under the hood as comment spam kept piling up. So now I’m driving akismet a spam filtering service created by Automattic. Hopefully this helps. I also optimized font-sizes throughout the blog for a more pleasant reading experience.
Furthermore the draft-posts keep getting more and more. Among others there’s some C++ stuff I’d like to share, some CUDA related code I wrote and a Science Fiction article that’s not quite finished. Hopefully some of this stuff will get published some time in the near future. Stay tuned!
Update: so far the askimet spam filtering service works great. No more spam! Hurray!
Ich hab die Ultra, haha!
Ich glaube nicht dass Du Spass damit hast, ist eher langweilig wenn Du das nicht brauchst.
Aber probier doch die SDK Samples, da gibts ein paar coole.
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i has geforce 8800 gtx gief me cuda code