Archive for November, 2007

CUDA Link Collection

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

Here’s a list of CUDA related things on the web. CUDA stands for Compute Unified Device Architecture and is a GPGPU technology created by NVIDIA that allows a programmer to use the C programming language to code algorithms for execution on the GPU. The official website can be found here.

Update: NVIDIA introduced the new CUDA Zone website: a convenient way to access everything related to CUDA.

If you happen to know more CUDA related links (e.g. projects that use CUDA) feel free to leave a comment.

Minor Updates

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

There have been no updates for quite some time. Besides work there’s not much time to write articles. However I updated the blog under the hood as comment spam kept piling up. So now I’m driving akismet a spam filtering service created by Automattic. Hopefully this helps. I also optimized font-sizes throughout the blog for a more pleasant reading experience.

Furthermore the draft-posts keep getting more and more. Among others there’s some C++ stuff I’d like to share, some CUDA related code I wrote and a Science Fiction article that’s not quite finished. Hopefully some of this stuff will get published some time in the near future. Stay tuned!

Update: so far the askimet spam filtering service works great. No more spam! Hurray!