
The Future of Desktop Environments

Lately quite a lot of videos presenting future desktop environments emerged. All of them are really cool so I’d like to summarize and share them.

multi-touch-sensing desktop

A very popular one is a TED talk by Jefferson Han given in February 2006. Mr. Han presents a “multi-touch-sensing” screen which is basically a touchscreen which “recognizes multiple simultaneous touch points” and even pressure. Sounds boring? It’s not. Watch the video and see for yourself.

This however are still dreams of the future. A not so far away and really cool desktop environment is the BumpTop Prototype. It’s a project that aims to “enrich the desktop metaphor with expressive, lightweight techniques found in the real world”. A very cool video is available here.

But one can enjoy fancy new desktop environments today. The Beryl Project is an OpenGL accelerated desktop for the Linux operating system. And boy does it look pretty! There are two videos available here and here.

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